EIT Raw Materials representative Fabio Pegorin visits Particular Materials
Today, Fabio Pegorin from EIT Raw Materials has visited Particular Materials in Padova, where we welcomed him to our brand new location to update him about our recent activities and achievements.
Just a week ago we commissioned our latest plant, capable of producing up to 1.5 kg/h of nanomaterials. In the background, you can see our R&D plants and two production plants at display.

With the support of the EIT Raw Materials Booster Program, Particular Materials was able to prove and demonstrate the scalability of the use Silver Cyanide toxic wastewater, coming from the plating industry, as a source for the synthesis of new nanomaterials.
Moreover, during the project GREEN Silver, Particular Materials has developed a novel antibacterial and antiviral product named Bactron (BCTR 1005).
Currently, the product is under testing with our partners for its antibacterial activity in the dark and photocatalytic and antibacterial activity in the sunlight.
We are pleased to continue our collaboration with EIT Raw Materials, and Fabio Pegorin has updated us on recent future opportunities such as the Booster Call 2021, and the participation in Call for Projects 2022 (KAVA).
Also, Particular Materials has recently become a proud member of ERMA, the European Raw Material Alliance, where we are promoting our technology for the synthesis of nanomaterials starting from industrial wastewaters.
In detail, we have discussed the opportunity to participate in the ERMA Cluster on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion, which addresses critical and strategic raw materials needed for Energy Storage and Conversion applications, such as batteries, fuel cells, solar and hydrogen, and other alternative energy storage and conversion systems.
We are looking forward to becoming an active member of this cluster and to find partners that are willing to further develop anode materials such as LFP and NMC.
For further information on Particular Material’s projects and partnerships, feel free to write us an email at we.are@particularmaterials.com